Our Services

At Zoran Advisors, we take a comprehensive look at your collision repair or automotive retail business before providing you guidance on the sale. From analysis to negotiations, and even valuing your real estate, Zoran Advisors will guide you towards REALIZING YOUR BUSINESS GOALS.



This is the easy part. We speak with you — the owner — and analyze your business.


After our analysis, we will put together a mutual agreement for the sale of your business. This will allow us to advance the conversation with buyers.


You need to know how buyers think and what they look for in a sale. We will educate you on these items and make sure you are prepared.



We understand the process of selling as well as the hurdles that may be thrown in front of you. These are just additional steps towards the sale of a business.


Once a buyer is prepared to commit, we will make sure the asset purchase agreement properly reflects the value of your business.

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Especially towards the end of a sale, there are some common issues that can be avoided to best position your business for the final agreement.